Feng Xin

About Feng Xin:

Feng Xin (风信 wind, faith) is the martial god of the southeast with 8 thousand temples dedicated to his name. Eight hundred years ago he was serving in the palace of Xianle as Xie Lian’s imperial bodyguard. He and Xie Lian quickly became very close and spent a huge portion of their time together, both out of necessity due to Feng Xin’s role and because they enjoyed each other’s company. Fan fact about him is that his name in the heavenly realm, instead of the one he possesses now (南阳 Nan Yang: southern, sun) was once Ju Yang (俱陽 Perfect Masculinity). Though through the centuries, a misspelled version of Ju Yang started becoming popular (巨陽Gigantic Masculinity) which he only noticed a decade later because of the number of women coming to his temples to pray for sons. He was enraged at first, but thankful when the mortals decided it was “too obscene” and changed it to Nang Yang.


Feng Xin is a handsome and good-looking man with a tall, upright posture. He often carries a frown on his face which makes him unapproachable, but more often than not his face is just relaxed and he is not angry at all. He goes around in impressive, expensive robes that are perfect for armor since he is a martial god, and he is usually seen carrying his weapon on his back.


Feng Xin is known to be polite, courteous and honest with a strong sense of responsibility, not being the type to gossip or talk bad behind people's backs. He's straightforward and doesn't have much patience, being a man of quick temper with a tendency to curse loudly and excessively even when around fellow Heavenly Officials. He is extremely loyal, shown through his willingness to stay by Xie Lian’s side even through desperate circumstances during his first banishment.