This season's main character is obviously Noora and she is one of the people Eva became friends with in the previous season. Noora is 16 years old and lives in Oslo with her two roommates, Eskild and Linn. Throughout this season, we get to see her fall in love, strengthen her relationships with people, see how she experiences and views her life (whereas until now we have seen everything from Eva's perspective) and we learn a bit about her past life.
This season is similar to the first season as of structure. I mean it's kind of inevitable when dealing with an idea like this (each season, different main character...) but that doesn't make it bad because, what skam understands, is that structure isn't equivalent to plot. I mean yeah, both seasons introduce us with questions about the main character, both seasons have conflict in one way or another and at the end, both characters grow... But does this mean that the seasons are really similar plot wise? Definitely not. Noora and Eva are different people.
To talk more about the season as a season though, it is a lot darker (by darker I mean at some point dealing with a very serious issue) than the first one. I don't think that, that's a bad thing at all though, because serious issues portrayed in teen shows in the right way, educate teens and young adults so I actually think it's vital. The only problem I have with this season of the show, is that it is a little bit slow, but I totally understand the reason behind why, so I'm not mad about it.
Noora is one of my absolutely favourite characters in this show. She is funny and opinionated and smart and I absolutely adore her.
But even I, got pretty mad with the choices she would make at times. But as I mentioned earlier when talking about Eva, this is all a part of everyone's "coming of age", making choices that in the moment feel so right but are actually terribly wrong is a part of growing up.
The interesting thing about Noora in this season though, is that, although the viewers understand that some of the actions she decides to take are distinctively wrong, we all know why she ultimately decides to take them. And that is mostly because, at least the way I see it, Noora is a super well written character so, the viewers understand how and why she acts as she acts.
She is the kind of person that is really scared of hurting or bringing the tiniest discomfort to people she loves, to the extent that she just doesn't do the things she wants to do or has conversations with those people because she is afraid of hurting anyone. Another reason, why I believe she acts that way, is because she always likes to be in control and know where she stands and who she is (even though at times by doing that she oppresses herself and feelings). But obviously, by the end of the season and the end of the show as well, she is a totally different and renewed person.
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